3.0.1 (28.08.2024)
Improve device connectivity
Add text marker support
3.0.0 (7.6.2024)
Improve Mac OSX support
Add Support for Explore Pro
Robust data parsing
2.0.0 (5.1.2024)
Add Mac OSX support
Remove browser based visualization support
Update build script for docs
1.8.2 (28.8.2023)
Improve explore mock device
Add yaml file for RTD build
1.8.1 (11.7.2023)
Bugfix record data
Add dummy packets for CI/CD pipeline
Add mock device
1.8.0 (27.2.2023)
Add support for explore+ 16 ch device
Unit test integration with CI/CD
Repair CSV from binary data
Save current device settings on disconnection, restore them on demand
Receive external triggers from LSL
1.7.0 (21.12.2022)
Add suppport for new explore+ 32 ch device
Sorted timestamps in CSV
Settings file to preserve experiment settings
1.6.3 (25.10.2022)
Add new 8 channel Explore+ device
1.6.2 (7.09.2022)
Change EDF file extension
Add dataset export feature for EEGLab
Bugfix recording
1.6.1 (14.06.2022)
Improve EDF file timing with PyEDFlib
Fix Bokeh import error
Add custom analysis script for 4 channel P300 experiment
1.6.0 (23.11.2021)
Remove dependency on Pybluez
Add SSVEP offline experiment
Add P300 example
Update LSL stream names
Fixing some bugs
1.5.2 (22.09.2021)
Hotfix for impedance disable bug
1.5.1 (21.7.2021)
Hotfix for installation bug
1.5.0 (20.7.2021)
Push to LSL button in the GUI
Search free port for initialization of the dashboard
Update installation procedure for Windows
Fixing some minor bugs
1.4.0 (31.03.2021)
Baseline correction feature in the visualization
Error logging system (Logging and Sentry)
Fix a bug of SDK in MacOS
Change the default Bluetooth interface to SDK
Improved FFT visualization
More precise local time in all OSes
1.3.0 (30-12-2020)
GUI resizing for different screen resolutions
Added event button to dashboard
Improvement of impedance measurement
Fixed minor bugs
1.2.0 (25-11-2020)
Standalone installer for Windows OS
Fix bugs in ExploreSDK
Create new file on device settings change
1.1.0 (27-08-2020)
MacOS support
Fix bugs
Add module disable/enable feature
Enhanced user interface
Add unique lsl stream names
1.0.0 (22-05-2020)
Add ExploreSDK as the Bluetooth interface
New dark theme
Record module in dashboard
Improvement in visualization perfrmance
CLI migration to Click
0.6.0 (17-02-2020)
EDF (BDF+) file writer
Channel disable/enable feature
Calibration of movement sensors
Extraction of physical orientation (angle and rotation)
Soft marker event
Visualization performance enhancement
Automatic number of channel and sampling rate detection
Exception handling improvement
Command for soft reset of Explore
Marker visualization
0.5.0 (25-11-2019)
Impedance measurement
Send commands to device
Configuring device settings
Update push to lsl feature
0.4.0 (09-09-2019)
Added marker feature
Timer based recording
Fixed a bug in csv file writer
Fixed a bug in device reconnect
Improved performance of dashboard visualization
0.3.1 (28-05-2019)
Fixed a bug in 8-channel ExG packet conversion
Fixed a minor bug in the record function
Updated the documentation
0.3.0 (10-05-2019)
Explore dashboard
Real-time visualization of ExG and orientation signal
Device information in Dashboard
Environmental data (battery, temperature and light)
Real-time bandpass filter
New packet structures (ADS1294R & ADS1298R)
Heart rate estimation and R-peaks detector in dashboard
0.2.0 (2019-03-08)
Added real-time recording feature
Added Command Line Interface
Added lsl integration
Added new packet classes
Fixed reconnect issues
Removed input requests inside functions
0.1.0 (2019-01-18)
First release on PyPI.