Source code for dashboard.dashboard

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import time
from functools import partial
from threading import Thread
from import HeartRateEstimator

from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox, row, column
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, ResetTool, PrintfTickFormatter, Panel, Tabs
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.server.server import Server
from bokeh.palettes import Colorblind
from bokeh.models.widgets import Select, DataTable, TableColumn, RadioButtonGroup
from bokeh.models import SingleIntervalTicker
from import validate, without_property_validation
from tornado import gen
from bokeh.transform import dodge

ORN_SRATE = 20  # Hz
WIN_LENGTH = 10  # Seconds
CHAN_LIST = ['Ch1', 'Ch2', 'Ch3', 'Ch4', 'Ch5', 'Ch6', 'Ch7', 'Ch8']
DEFAULT_SCALE = 10 ** -3  # Volt
V_TH = [10**-5, 5 * 10 ** -3]  # Noise threshold for ECG (Volt)
ORN_LIST = ['accX', 'accY', 'accZ', 'gyroX', 'gyroY', 'gyroZ', 'magX', 'magY', 'magZ']

SCALE_MENU = {"1 uV": 6., "5 uV": 5.3333, "10 uV": 5., "100 uV": 4., "200 uV": 3.6666, "500 uV": 3.3333, "1 mV": 3., "5 mV": 2.3333,
              "10 mV": 2., "100 mV": 1.}
TIME_RANGE_MENU = {"10 s": 10., "5 s": 5., "20 s": 20.}

LINE_COLORS = ['green', '#42C4F7', 'red']
FFT_COLORS = Colorblind[8]

[docs]class Dashboard: """Explorepy dashboard class""" def __init__(self, n_chan, exg_fs, mode="signal", firmware_version="NA"): """ Args: n_chan (int): Number of channels exg_fs (int): Sampling rate of ExG signal mode (str): Visualization mode {'signal', 'impedance'} firmware_version: """ self.n_chan = n_chan self.y_unit = DEFAULT_SCALE self.offsets = np.arange(1, self.n_chan + 1)[:, np.newaxis].astype(float) self.chan_key_list = ['Ch' + str(i + 1) for i in range(self.n_chan)] self.exg_mode = 'EEG' self.rr_estimator = None self.win_length = WIN_LENGTH self.mode = mode self.exg_fs = exg_fs # Init ExG data source exg_temp = np.zeros((n_chan, 2)) exg_temp[:, 0] = self.offsets[:, 0] exg_temp[:, 1] = np.nan init_data = dict(zip(self.chan_key_list, exg_temp)) init_data['t'] = np.array([0., 0.]) self.exg_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data) # Init ECG R-peak source init_data = dict(zip(['r_peak', 't'], [np.array([None], dtype=np.double), np.array([None], dtype=np.double)])) self.r_peak_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data) # Init marker source init_data = dict(zip(['marker', 't'], [np.array([None], dtype=np.double), np.array([None], dtype=np.double)])) self.marker_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data) # Init ORN data source init_data = dict(zip(ORN_LIST, np.zeros((9, 1)))) init_data['t'] = [0.] self.orn_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data) # Init table sources self.heart_rate_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'heart_rate': ['NA']}) self.firmware_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'firmware_version': [firmware_version]}) self.battery_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'battery': ['NA']}) self.temperature_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'temperature': ['NA']}) self.light_source = ColumnDataSource(data={'light': ['NA']}) self.battery_percent_list = [] self.server = None # Init fft data source init_data = dict(zip(self.chan_key_list, np.zeros((self.n_chan, 1)))) init_data['f'] = np.array([0.]) self.fft_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data) # Init impedance measurement source init_data = {'channel': [CHAN_LIST[i] for i in range(0, self.n_chan)], 'impedance': ['NA' for i in range(self.n_chan)], 'row': ['1' for i in range(self.n_chan)], 'color': ['black' for i in range(self.n_chan)]} self.imp_source = ColumnDataSource(data=init_data)
[docs] def start_server(self): """Start bokeh server""" validation = validate(False) self.server = Server({'/': self._init_doc}, num_procs=1) self.server.start()
[docs] def start_loop(self): """Start io loop and show the dashboard""" self.server.io_loop.add_callback(, "/") self.server.io_loop.start()
def _init_doc(self, doc): self.doc = doc self.doc.title = "Explore Dashboard" # Create plots self._init_plots() # Create controls m_widgetbox = self._init_controls() # Create tabs exg_tab = Panel(child=self.exg_plot, title="ExG Signal") orn_tab = Panel(child=column([self.acc_plot, self.gyro_plot, self.mag_plot], sizing_mode='fixed'), title="Orientation") fft_tab = Panel(child=self.fft_plot, title="Spectral analysis") imp_tab = Panel(child=self.imp_plot, title="Impedance") if self.mode == "signal": self.tabs = Tabs(tabs=[exg_tab, orn_tab, fft_tab], width=1200) elif self.mode == "impedance": self.tabs = Tabs(tabs=[imp_tab], width=1200) self.doc.add_root(row([m_widgetbox, self.tabs])) self.doc.add_periodic_callback(self._update_fft, 2000) self.doc.add_periodic_callback(self._update_heart_rate, 2000)
[docs] @gen.coroutine @without_property_validation def update_exg(self, time_vector, ExG): """update_exg() Update ExG data in the visualization Args: time_vector (list): time vector ExG (np.ndarray): array of new data """ # Update ExG data ExG = self.offsets + ExG / self.y_unit new_data = dict(zip(self.chan_key_list, ExG)) new_data['t'] = time_vector, rollover=2 * self.exg_fs * WIN_LENGTH)
[docs] @gen.coroutine @without_property_validation def update_orn(self, timestamp, orn_data): """Update orientation data Args: timestamp (float): timestamp of the sample orn_data (float vector): Vector of orientation data with shape of (9,) """ if != 1: return new_data = dict(zip(ORN_LIST, np.array(orn_data)[:, np.newaxis])) new_data['t'] = [timestamp], rollover=2 * WIN_LENGTH * ORN_SRATE)
[docs] @gen.coroutine @without_property_validation def update_info(self, new): """Update device information in the dashboard Args: new(dict): Dictionary of new values """ for key in new.keys(): data = {key: new[key]} if key == 'firmware_version':, rollover=1) elif key == 'battery': self.battery_percent_list.append(new[key][0]) if len(self.battery_percent_list) > N_MOVING_AVERAGE: del self.battery_percent_list[0] value = int(np.mean(self.battery_percent_list) / 5) * 5 if value < 1: value = 1{key: [value]}, rollover=1) elif key == 'temperature':, rollover=1) elif key == 'light': data[key] = [int(data[key][0])], rollover=1) else: print("Warning: There is no field named: " + key)
[docs] @gen.coroutine @without_property_validation def _update_fft(self): """ Update spectral frequency analysis plot """ # Check if the tab is active and if EEG mode is active if ( != 2) or (self.exg_mode != 'EEG'): return exg_data = np.array([[key] for key in self.chan_key_list]) if exg_data.shape[1] < self.exg_fs * 4.5: return fft_content, freq = get_fft(exg_data, self.exg_fs) data = dict(zip(self.chan_key_list, fft_content)) data['f'] = freq = data
[docs] @gen.coroutine @without_property_validation def _update_heart_rate(self): """Detect R-peaks and update the plot and heart rate""" if self.exg_mode == 'EEG':{'heart_rate': ['NA']}, rollover=1) return if self.rr_estimator is None: self.rr_estimator = HeartRateEstimator(fs=self.exg_fs) # Init R-peaks plot't', y='r_peak', source=self.r_peak_source, fill_color="red", size=8) ecg_data = (np.array(['Ch1'])[-500:] - self.offsets[0]) * self.y_unit time_vector = np.array(['t'])[-500:] # Check if the peak2peak value is bigger than threshold if (np.ptp(ecg_data) < V_TH[0]) or (np.ptp(ecg_data) > V_TH[1]): print("P2P value larger or less than threshold!") return peaks_time, peaks_val = self.rr_estimator.estimate(ecg_data, time_vector) peaks_val = (np.array(peaks_val)/self.y_unit) + self.offsets[0] if peaks_time: data = dict(zip(['r_peak', 't'], [peaks_val, peaks_time])), rollover=50) # Update heart rate cell estimated_heart_rate = self.rr_estimator.heart_rate data = {'heart_rate': [estimated_heart_rate]}, rollover=1)
@gen.coroutine @without_property_validation def update_marker(self, timestamp, code): if self.mode == "impedance": return new_data = dict(zip(['marker', 't', 'code'], [np.array([0.01, self.n_chan+0.99, None], dtype=np.double), np.array([timestamp, timestamp, None], dtype=np.double)])), rollover=100) @gen.coroutine @without_property_validation def update_imp(self, imp): if self.mode == "impedance": color = [] imp_str = [] for x in imp: if x > 500: color.append("black") imp_str.append("Open") elif x > 100: color.append("red") imp_str.append(str(round(x, 0))+" K\u03A9") elif x > 50: color.append("orange") imp_str.append(str(round(x, 0))+" K\u03A9") elif x > 10: color.append("yellow") imp_str.append(str(round(x, 0))+" K\u03A9") elif x > 5: imp_str.append(str(round(x, 0)) + " K\u03A9") color.append("green") else: color.append("green") imp_str.append("<5K\u03A9") # As the ADS is not precise in low values. data = {"impedance": imp_str, 'channel': [CHAN_LIST[i] for i in range(0, self.n_chan)], 'row': ['1' for i in range(self.n_chan)], 'color': color }, rollover=self.n_chan) else: raise RuntimeError("Trying to compute impedances while the dashboard is not in Impedance mode!")
[docs] @gen.coroutine @without_property_validation def _change_scale(self, attr, old, new): """Change y-scale of ExG plot""" new, old = SCALE_MENU[new], SCALE_MENU[old] old_unit = 10 ** (-old) self.y_unit = 10 ** (-new) for ch, value in if ch in CHAN_LIST: temp_offset = self.offsets[CHAN_LIST.index(ch)][ch] = (value - temp_offset) * (old_unit / self.y_unit) + temp_offset['r_peak'] = (np.array(['r_peak'])-self.offsets[0]) *\ (old_unit / self.y_unit) + self.offsets[0]
[docs] @gen.coroutine @without_property_validation def _change_t_range(self, attr, old, new): """Change time range""" self._set_t_range(TIME_RANGE_MENU[new])
[docs] @gen.coroutine def _change_mode(self, new): """Set EEG or ECG mode""" self.exg_mode = MODE_LIST[new]
[docs] def _init_plots(self): """Initialize all plots in the dashboard""" self.exg_plot = figure(y_range=(0.01, self.n_chan + 1 - 0.01), y_axis_label='Voltage', x_axis_label='Time (s)', title="ExG signal", plot_height=600, plot_width=1270, y_minor_ticks=int(10), tools=[ResetTool()], active_scroll=None, active_drag=None, active_inspect=None, active_tap=None) self.mag_plot = figure(y_axis_label='Magnetometer [mgauss/LSB]', x_axis_label='Time (s)', plot_height=230, plot_width=1270, tools=[ResetTool()], active_scroll=None, active_drag=None, active_inspect=None, active_tap=None) self.acc_plot = figure(y_axis_label='Accelerometer [mg/LSB]', plot_height=190, plot_width=1270, tools=[ResetTool()], active_scroll=None, active_drag=None, active_inspect=None, active_tap=None) self.acc_plot.xaxis.visible = False self.gyro_plot = figure(y_axis_label='Gyroscope [mdps/LSB]', plot_height=190, plot_width=1270, tools=[ResetTool()], active_scroll=None, active_drag=None, active_inspect=None, active_tap=None) self.gyro_plot.xaxis.visible = False self.fft_plot = figure(y_axis_label='Amplitude (uV)', x_axis_label='Frequency (Hz)', title="FFT", x_range=(0, 70), plot_height=600, plot_width=1270, y_axis_type="log") self.imp_plot = self._init_imp_plot() # Set yaxis properties self.exg_plot.yaxis.ticker = SingleIntervalTicker(interval=1, num_minor_ticks=10) # Initial plot line for i in range(self.n_chan): self.exg_plot.line(x='t', y=CHAN_LIST[i], source=self.exg_source, line_width=1.5, alpha=.9, line_color="#42C4F7") self.fft_plot.line(x='f', y=CHAN_LIST[i], source=self.fft_source, legend_label=CHAN_LIST[i] + " ", line_width=2, alpha=.9, line_color=FFT_COLORS[i]) self.exg_plot.line(x='t', y='marker', source=self.marker_source, line_width=1, alpha=.8, line_color='#7AB904', line_dash="4 4") for i in range(3): self.acc_plot.line(x='t', y=ORN_LIST[i], source=self.orn_source, legend_label=ORN_LIST[i] + " ", line_width=1.5, line_color=LINE_COLORS[i], alpha=.9) self.gyro_plot.line(x='t', y=ORN_LIST[i + 3], source=self.orn_source, legend_label=ORN_LIST[i + 3] + " ", line_width=1.5, line_color=LINE_COLORS[i], alpha=.9) self.mag_plot.line(x='t', y=ORN_LIST[i + 6], source=self.orn_source, legend_label=ORN_LIST[i + 6] + " ", line_width=1.5, line_color=LINE_COLORS[i], alpha=.9) # Set x_range self.plot_list = [self.exg_plot, self.acc_plot, self.gyro_plot, self.mag_plot] self._set_t_range(WIN_LENGTH) self.exg_plot.ygrid.minor_grid_line_color = 'navy' self.exg_plot.ygrid.minor_grid_line_alpha = 0.05 # Set the formatting of yaxis ticks' labels self.exg_plot.yaxis[0].formatter = PrintfTickFormatter(format="Ch %i") # Autohide toolbar/ Legend location for plot in self.plot_list: plot.toolbar.autohide = True plot.background_fill_color = "#fafafa" if len(plot.legend) != 0: plot.legend.location = "bottom_left" plot.legend.orientation = "horizontal" plot.legend.padding = 2
def _init_imp_plot(self): p = figure(plot_width=600, plot_height=200, x_range=CHAN_LIST[0:self.n_chan], y_range=[str(1)], toolbar_location=None)'channel', y="row", radius=.3, source=self.imp_source, fill_alpha=0.6, color="color", line_color='color', line_width=2) text_props = {"source": self.imp_source, "text_align": "center", "text_color": "black", "text_baseline": "middle", "text_font": "helvetica", "text_font_style": "bold"} x = dodge("channel", -0.1, range=p.x_range) r = p.text(x=x, y=dodge('row', -.4, range=p.y_range), text="impedance", **text_props) r.glyph.text_font_size = "10pt" r = p.text(x=x, y=dodge('row', -.3, range=p.y_range), text="channel", **text_props) r.glyph.text_font_size = "12pt" p.outline_line_color = None p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.axis_line_color = None p.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 p.axis.visible = False return p
[docs] def _init_controls(self): """Initialize all controls in the dashboard""" # EEG/ECG Radio button self.mode_control = RadioButtonGroup(labels=MODE_LIST, active=0) self.mode_control.on_click(self._change_mode) self.t_range = Select(title="Time window", value="10 s", options=list(TIME_RANGE_MENU.keys()), width=210) self.t_range.on_change('value', self._change_t_range) self.y_scale = Select(title="Y-axis Scale", value="1 mV", options=list(SCALE_MENU.keys()), width=210) self.y_scale.on_change('value', self._change_scale) # Create device info tables columns = [TableColumn(field='heart_rate', title="Heart Rate (bpm)")] self.heart_rate = DataTable(source=self.heart_rate_source, index_position=None, sortable=False, reorderable=False, columns=columns, width=200, height=50) columns = [TableColumn(field='firmware_version', title="Firmware Version")] self.firmware = DataTable(source=self.firmware_source, index_position=None, sortable=False, reorderable=False, columns=columns, width=200, height=50) columns = [TableColumn(field='battery', title="Battery (%)")] self.battery = DataTable(source=self.battery_source, index_position=None, sortable=False, reorderable=False, columns=columns, width=200, height=50) columns = [TableColumn(field='temperature', title="Temperature (C)")] self.temperature = DataTable(source=self.temperature_source, index_position=None, sortable=False, reorderable=False, columns=columns, width=200, height=50) columns = [TableColumn(field='light', title="Light (Lux)")] self.light = DataTable(source=self.light_source, index_position=None, sortable=False, reorderable=False, columns=columns, width=200, height=50) # Add widgets to the doc m_widgetbox = widgetbox([self.mode_control, self.y_scale, self.t_range, self.heart_rate, self.battery, self.temperature, self.light, self.firmware], width=220) return m_widgetbox
[docs] def _set_t_range(self, t_length): """Change time range of ExG and orientation plots""" for plot in self.plot_list: self.win_length = int(t_length) plot.x_range.follow = "end" plot.x_range.follow_interval = t_length plot.x_range.range_padding = 0. plot.x_range.min_interval = t_length
def get_fft(exg, EEG_SRATE): """Compute FFT""" n_chan, n_sample = exg.shape L = n_sample / EEG_SRATE n = 1024 freq = EEG_SRATE * np.arange(int(n / 2)) / n fft_content = np.fft.fft(exg, n=n) / n fft_content = np.abs(fft_content[:, range(int(n / 2))]) return fft_content[:, 1:], freq[1:] if __name__ == '__main__': print('Opening Bokeh application on http://localhost:5006/') m_dashboard = Dashboard(n_chan=8) m_dashboard.start_server() def my_loop(): T = 0 time.sleep(2) while True: time_vector = np.linspace(T, T + .2, 50) T += .2 EEG = (np.random.randint(0, 2, (8, 50)) - .5) * .0002 # (np.random.rand(8, 50)-.5) * .0005 m_dashboard.doc.add_next_tick_callback(partial(m_dashboard.update_exg, time_vector=time_vector, ExG=EEG)) device_info_attr = ['firmware_version', 'battery', 'temperature', 'light'] device_info_val = [['2.0.4'], [95], [21], [13]] new_data = dict(zip(device_info_attr, device_info_val)) m_dashboard.doc.add_next_tick_callback(partial(m_dashboard.update_info, new=new_data)) m_dashboard.doc.add_next_tick_callback( partial(m_dashboard.update_orn, timestamp=T, orn_data=np.random.rand(9))) time.sleep(0.2) thread = Thread(target=my_loop) thread.start() m_dashboard.start_loop()