Source code for tools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from explorepy.parser import Parser
import os.path
import csv
import bluetooth
import numpy as np
from explorepy.filters import Filter
from scipy import signal
import pyedflib
import datetime

[docs]def bt_scan(): """"Scan for bluetooth devices Scans for available explore devices. Prints out MAC address and name of each found device Args: Returns: """ print("Searching for nearby devices...") nearby_devices = bluetooth.discover_devices(lookup_names=True) explore_devices = [] for address, name in nearby_devices: if "Explore" in name: print("Device found: %s - %s" % (name, address)) explore_devices.append((address, name)) if not nearby_devices: print("No Devices found") return explore_devices
[docs]def bin2csv(bin_file, do_overwrite=False, out_dir=''): """Binary to CSV file converter. This function converts the given binary file to ExG and ORN csv files. Args: bin_file (str): Binary file full address out_dir (str): Relative output directory (if not given, it uses the current working directory.) do_overwrite (bool): Overwrite if files exist already """ head_path, full_filename = os.path.split(bin_file) filename, extension = os.path.splitext(full_filename) assert os.path.isfile(bin_file), "Error: File does not exist!" assert extension == '.BIN', "File type error! File extension must be BIN." out_dir = os.getcwd() + out_dir + '/' exg_out_file = out_dir + filename + '_exg' orn_out_file = out_dir + filename + '_orn' marker_out_file = out_dir + filename + '_marker' exg_ch = ['TimeStamp', 'ch1', 'ch2', 'ch3', 'ch4', 'ch5', 'ch6', 'ch7', 'ch8'] exg_unit = ['s', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'V'] exg_recorder = FileRecorder(file_name=exg_out_file, ch_label=exg_ch, fs=250, ch_unit=exg_unit, file_type='csv', do_overwrite=do_overwrite) orn_ch = ['TimeStamp', 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'gx', 'gy', 'gz', 'mx', 'my', 'mz'] orn_unit = ['s', 'mg', 'mg', 'mg', 'mdps', 'mdps', 'mdps', 'mgauss', 'mgauss', 'mgauss'] orn_recorder = FileRecorder(file_name=orn_out_file, ch_label=orn_ch, fs=20, ch_unit=orn_unit, file_type='csv', do_overwrite=do_overwrite) marker_ch = ['TimeStamp', 'Code'] marker_unit = ['s', '-'] marker_recorder = FileRecorder(file_name=marker_out_file, ch_label=marker_ch, fs=0, ch_unit=marker_unit, file_type='csv', do_overwrite=do_overwrite) with open(bin_file, "rb") as f_bin: parser = Parser(fid=f_bin) print("Converting...") while True: try: parser.parse_packet(mode='record', recorders=(exg_recorder, orn_recorder, marker_recorder)) except ValueError: print("Binary file ended! Conversion finished!") break
[docs]def bin2edf(bin_file, do_overwrite=False, out_dir=''): """Binary to EDF file converter. This function converts the given binary file to ExG and ORN csv files. Args: bin_file (str): Binary file full address out_dir (str): Output directory (if None, uses the same directory as binary file) do_overwrite (bool): Overwrite if files exist already """ head_path, full_filename = os.path.split(bin_file) filename, extension = os.path.splitext(full_filename) assert os.path.isfile(bin_file), "Error: File does not exist!" assert extension == '.BIN', "File type error! File extension must be BIN." out_dir = os.getcwd() + out_dir + '/' exg_out_file = out_dir + filename + '_exg' orn_out_file = out_dir + filename + '_orn' with open(bin_file, "rb") as f_bin: parser = Parser(fid=f_bin) exg_ch = ['TimeStamp', 'ch1', 'ch2', 'ch3', 'ch4', 'ch5', 'ch6', 'ch7', 'ch8'][0:parser.n_chan + 1] exg_unit = ['s', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'V', 'V'][0:parser.n_chan + 1] exg_max = [86400, .4, .4, .4, .4, .4, .4, .4, .4][0:parser.n_chan + 1] exg_min = [0, -.4, -.4, -.4, -.4, -.4, -.4, -.4, -.4][0:parser.n_chan + 1] exg_recorder = FileRecorder(file_name=exg_out_file, ch_label=exg_ch, fs=parser.fs, ch_unit=exg_unit, file_type='edf', do_overwrite=do_overwrite, ch_min=exg_min, ch_max=exg_max) orn_ch = ['TimeStamp', 'ax', 'ay', 'az', 'gx', 'gy', 'gz', 'mx', 'my', 'mz'] orn_unit = ['s', 'mg', 'mg', 'mg', 'mdps', 'mdps', 'mdps', 'mgauss', 'mgauss', 'mgauss'] orn_max = [86400, 2000, 2000, 2000, 250000, 250000, 250000, 50000, 50000, 50000] orn_min = [0, -2000, -2000, -2000, -250000, -250000, -250000, -50000, -50000, -50000] orn_recorder = FileRecorder(file_name=orn_out_file, ch_label=orn_ch, fs=20, ch_unit=orn_unit, file_type='edf', do_overwrite=do_overwrite, ch_max=orn_max, ch_min=orn_min) print("Converting...") while True: try: parser.parse_packet(mode='record', recorders=(exg_recorder, orn_recorder, exg_recorder)) except ValueError: print("Binary file ended! Conversion finished!") break
[docs]class HeartRateEstimator: def __init__(self, fs=250, smoothing_win=20): """Real-time heart Rate Estimator class This class provides the tools for heart rate estimation. It basically detects R-peaks in ECG signal using the method explained in Hamilton 2002 [2]. Args: fs (int): Sampling frequency smoothing_win (int): Length of smoothing window References: [1] Hamilton, P. S. (2002). Open source ECG analysis software documentation. Computers in cardiology, 2002. [2] Hamilton, P. S., & Tompkins, W. J. (1986). Quantitative investigation of QRS detection rules using the MIT/BIH arrhythmia database. IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering. """ self.fs = fs self.threshold = .35 # Generally between 0.3125 and 0.475 self.ns200ms = int(self.fs * .2) self.r_peaks_buffer = [(0., 0.)] self.noise_peaks_buffer = [(0., 0., 0.)] self.prev_samples = np.zeros(smoothing_win) self.prev_diff_samples = np.zeros(smoothing_win) self.prev_times = np.zeros(smoothing_win) self.prev_max_slope = 0 self.bp_filter = Filter(l_freq=1, h_freq=30, order=3, sampling_freq=fs) self.hamming_window =, sym=True) self.hamming_window /= self.hamming_window.sum() @property def average_noise_peak(self): return np.mean([item[0] for item in self.noise_peaks_buffer]) @property def average_qrs_peak(self): return np.mean([item[0] for item in self.r_peaks_buffer]) @property def decision_threshold(self): return self.average_noise_peak + self.threshold * (self.average_qrs_peak - self.average_noise_peak) @property def average_rr_interval(self): if len(self.r_peaks_buffer) < 7: return 1. return np.mean(np.diff([item[1] for item in self.r_peaks_buffer])) @property def heart_rate(self): if len(self.r_peaks_buffer) < 7: print('Few peaks to get heart rate!') return 'NA' else: r_times = [item[1] for item in self.r_peaks_buffer] rr_intervals = np.diff(r_times, 1) if True in (rr_intervals > 3.): print('Missing peaks!') return 'NA' else: estimated_heart_rate = int(1. / np.mean(rr_intervals) * 60) if estimated_heart_rate > 140 or estimated_heart_rate < 40: print('Estimated heart rate <40 or >140!') estimated_heart_rate = 'NA' return estimated_heart_rate
[docs] def push_r_peak(self, val, time): self.r_peaks_buffer.append((val, time)) if len(self.r_peaks_buffer) > 8: self.r_peaks_buffer.pop(0)
[docs] def push_noise_peak(self, val, peak_idx, peak_time): self.noise_peaks_buffer.append((val, peak_idx, peak_time)) if len(self.noise_peaks_buffer) > 8: self.noise_peaks_buffer.pop(0)
[docs] def estimate(self, ecg_sig, time_vector): """ Detection of R-peaks Args: time_vector (np.array): One-dimensional time vector ecg_sig (np.array): One-dimensional ECG signal Returns: List of detected peaks indices """ assert len(ecg_sig.shape) == 1, "Signal must be a vector" # Preprocessing ecg_filtered = self.bp_filter.apply_bp_filter(ecg_sig).squeeze() ecg_sig = np.concatenate((self.prev_samples, ecg_sig)) sig_diff = np.diff(ecg_filtered, 1) sig_abs_diff = np.abs(sig_diff) sig_smoothed = signal.convolve(np.concatenate((self.prev_diff_samples, sig_abs_diff)), self.hamming_window, mode='same', method='auto')[:len(ecg_filtered)] time_vector = np.concatenate((self.prev_times, time_vector)) self.prev_samples = ecg_sig[-len(self.hamming_window):] self.prev_diff_samples = sig_abs_diff[-len(self.hamming_window):] self.prev_times = time_vector[-len(self.hamming_window):] peaks_idx_list, _ = signal.find_peaks(sig_smoothed) peaks_val_list = sig_smoothed[peaks_idx_list] peaks_time_list = time_vector[peaks_idx_list] detected_peaks_idx = [] detected_peaks_time = [] detected_peaks_val = [] # Decision rules by Hamilton 2002 [1] for peak_idx, peak_val, peak_time in zip(peaks_idx_list, peaks_val_list, peaks_time_list): # 1- Ignore all peaks that precede or follow larger peaks by less than 200 ms. peaks_in_lim = [a and b and c for a, b, c in zip(((peak_idx - self.ns200ms) < peaks_idx_list), ((peak_idx + self.ns200ms) > peaks_idx_list), (peak_idx != peaks_idx_list) ) ] if True in (peak_val < peaks_val_list[peaks_in_lim]): continue # 2- If a peak occurs, check to see whether the ECG signal contained both positive and negative slopes. # TODO: Find a better way of checking this. # if peak_idx == 0: # continue # elif peak_idx < 10: # n_sample = peak_idx # else: # n_sample = 10 # The current n_sample leads to missing some R-peaks as it may have wider/thinner width. # slopes = np.diff(ecg_sig[peak_idx-n_sample:peak_idx]) # if slopes[0] * slopes[-1] >= 0: # continue # check missing peak self.check_missing_peak(peak_time, peak_idx, detected_peaks_idx, ecg_sig, time_vector) # 3- If the peak occurred within 360 ms of a previous detection and had a maximum slope less than half the # maximum slope of the previous detection assume it is a T-wave if (peak_time - self.r_peaks_buffer[-1][1]) < .36: if peak_idx < 15: st_idx = 0 else: st_idx = peak_idx - 15 if (peak_idx + 15) > (len(ecg_sig) - 1): end_idx = len(ecg_sig) - 1 else: end_idx = peak_idx + 15 curr_max_slope = np.abs(np.diff(ecg_sig[st_idx:end_idx])).max() if curr_max_slope < (.5 * self.prev_max_slope): continue # 4- If the peak is larger than the detection threshold call it a QRS complex, otherwise call it noise. if peak_idx < 25: st_idx = 0 else: st_idx = peak_idx - 25 pval = peak_val # ecg_sig[st_idx:peak_idx].max() if pval > self.decision_threshold: temp_idx = st_idx + np.argmax(ecg_sig[st_idx:peak_idx + 1]) temp_time = time_vector[temp_idx] detected_peaks_idx.append(temp_idx) detected_peaks_val.append(ecg_sig[st_idx:peak_idx + 1].max()) detected_peaks_time.append(temp_time) self.push_r_peak(pval, temp_time) if peak_idx < 25: st_idx = 0 else: st_idx = peak_idx - 25 self.prev_max_slope = np.abs(np.diff(ecg_sig[st_idx:peak_idx + 25])).max() else: self.push_noise_peak(pval, peak_idx, peak_time) # TODO: Check lead inversion! # Check for two close peaks occurrence_time = [item[1] for item in self.r_peaks_buffer] close_idx = (np.diff(np.array(occurrence_time), 1) < .05) if (True in close_idx) and len(detected_peaks_idx) > 0: del detected_peaks_time[0] del detected_peaks_val[0] return detected_peaks_time, detected_peaks_val
[docs] def check_missing_peak(self, peak_time, peak_idx, detected_peaks_idx, ecg_sig, time_vector): # 5- If an interval equal to 1.5 times the average R-to-R interval has elapsed since the most recent # detection, within that interval there was a peak that was larger than half the detection threshold and # the peak followed the preceding detection by at least 360 ms, classify that peak as a QRS complex. if (peak_time - self.r_peaks_buffer[-1][1]) > (1.4 * self.average_rr_interval): last_noise_val, last_noise_idx, last_noise_time = self.noise_peaks_buffer[-1] if last_noise_val > (.5 * self.decision_threshold): if (last_noise_time - self.r_peaks_buffer[-1][1]) > .36: self.noise_peaks_buffer.pop(-1) if peak_idx > last_noise_idx: if last_noise_idx < 20: st_idx = 0 else: st_idx = last_noise_idx - 20 detected_peaks_idx.append(st_idx + np.argmax(ecg_sig[st_idx:peak_idx])) self.push_r_peak(last_noise_val, time_vector[detected_peaks_idx[-1]]) if peak_idx < 25: st_idx = 0 else: st_idx = peak_idx - 25 self.prev_max_slope = np.abs(np.diff(ecg_sig[st_idx:peak_idx + 25])).max() else: # The peak is in the previous chunk # TODO: return a negative index for it! pass
[docs]class FileRecorder: """Explorepy file recorder class. This class can write ExG, orientation and environment data into (separated) EDF+ files. It can write data while streaming from Explore device. The incoming data will be stored in a buffer and after it reached fs samples, it writes the buffer in EDF file. Attributes: """ def __init__(self, file_name, ch_label, fs, ch_unit, ch_min=None, ch_max=None, device_name='Explore', file_type='edf', do_overwrite=False): """ Args: file_name (str): File name ch_label (list): List of channel labels. fs (int): Sampling rate (must be identical for all channels) ch_unit (list): List of channels unit (e.g. 'V', 'mG', 's', etc.) ch_min (list): List of minimum value of each channel. Only needed in edf mode (can be None in csv mode) ch_max (list): List of maximum value of each channel. Only needed in edf mode (can be None in csv mode) device_name (str): Recording device name file_type (str): File type. current options: 'edf' and 'csv'. do_overwrite (bool): Overwrite file if a file with the same name exists already. """ # Check invalid characters if set(r'<>{}[]~`*%').intersection(file_name): raise ValueError("Invalid character in file name") self._file_obj = None self._file_type = file_type self._ch_label = ch_label self._ch_unit = ch_unit self._ch_max = ch_max self._ch_min = ch_min self._n_chan = len(ch_label) self._device_name = device_name self._fs = int(fs) if file_type == 'edf': if (len(ch_unit) != len(ch_label)) or (len(ch_label) != len(ch_min)) or (len(ch_label) != len(ch_max)): raise ValueError('ch_label, ch_unit, ch_min and ch_max must have the same length!') self._file_name = file_name + '.edf' self._create_edf(do_overwrite=do_overwrite) self._init_edf_channels() self._data = np.zeros((self._n_chan, 0)) elif file_type == 'csv': self._file_name = file_name + '.csv' self._create_csv(do_overwrite=do_overwrite) @property def fs(self): return self._fs
[docs] def _create_edf(self, do_overwrite): if (not do_overwrite) and os.path.isfile(self._file_name): raise FileExistsError(self._file_name + ' already exists!') assert self._file_obj is None, "Usage Error: File object has been created already." self._file_obj = pyedflib.EdfWriter(self._file_name, self._n_chan, file_type=pyedflib.FILETYPE_BDFPLUS)
[docs] def _create_csv(self, do_overwrite): if (not do_overwrite) and os.path.isfile(self._file_name): raise FileExistsError(self._file_name + ' already exists!') assert self._file_obj is None, "Usage Error: File object has been created already." self._file_obj = open(self._file_name, 'w', newline='\n') self._csv_obj = csv.writer(self._file_obj, delimiter=",") self._csv_obj.writerow(self._ch_label)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop recording""" assert self._file_obj is not None, "Usage Error: File object has not been created yet." if self._file_type == 'edf': if self._data.shape[1] > 0: self._file_obj.writeSamples(list(self._data)) self._file_obj.close() self._file_obj = None elif self._file_type == 'csv': self._file_obj.close()
[docs] def _init_edf_channels(self): self._file_obj.setEquipment(self._device_name) self._file_obj.setStartdatetime( ch_info_list = [] for ch in zip(self._ch_label, self._ch_unit, self._ch_max, self._ch_min): ch_info_list.append({'label': ch[0], 'dimension': ch[1], 'sample_rate': self._fs, 'physical_max': ch[2], 'physical_min': ch[3], 'digital_max': 8388607, 'digital_min': -8388608, 'prefilter': '', 'transducer': '' }) for i, ch_info in enumerate(ch_info_list): self._file_obj.setSignalHeader(i, ch_info)
[docs] def write_data(self, data): """writes data to the file Notes: If file type is set to EDF, this function writes each 1 seconds of data. If the input is less than 1 second, it will be buffered in the memory and it will be written in the file when enough data is in the buffer. Args: data (np.array): Array of data to be written in the file with dimension of n_chan x n_sample """ if self._file_type == 'edf': if data.shape[0] != self._n_chan: raise ValueError('Input first dimension must be {}'.format(self._n_chan)) self._data = np.concatenate((self._data, data), axis=1) if self._data.shape[1] > self._fs: self._file_obj.writeSamples(list(self._data[:, :self._fs])) self._data = self._data[:, self._fs:] elif self._file_type == 'csv': self._csv_obj.writerows(data.T.tolist())
[docs] def set_marker(self, data): """Writes a marker event in the file Args: data (np.array): Array of marker data with size 2x1 ([[timestamp],[code]]) """ if self._file_type == 'csv': self.write_data(data) elif self._file_type == 'edf': self._file_obj.writeAnnotation(data[0, 0], 0.001, str(int(data[1, 0])))
if __name__ == '__main__': file_name = 'test_rec' labels = ['timestamp', 'ch01', 'ch02', 'ch_03', 'ch04'] units = ['V', 'V', 'V', 'V', 's'] mins = [-1, -1, -1, -1, 0] maxs = [1, 1, 1, 1, 86400] recorder = FileRecorder(file_name=file_name, fs=250, ch_label=labels, file_type='csv', ch_unit=units, ch_max=maxs, ch_min=mins, do_overwrite=True) for i in range(1002): chunk = np.random.normal(0, 1, (5, 33)) recorder.write_data(chunk) recorder.stop()